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The present building of the New Woodstock Community Church was built in 1815, on land donated by John Savage, a pioneer who came to the area in 1800.
According to Ellsworth and the Richmond's 1901 publication, New Woodstock and Vicinity, Past and Present, "Nathan Smith was the master builder and was assisted by Marvel Underwood, Eliakim Clark, Dyer Lamb and others."
The raising of such a building was a great undertaking for those times. Some of the people came to the church with ox teams from the west side of Cazenovia lake, which was a distance of ten miles.
The steeple of the church still houses the workings of a clock although the face is no longer on the outside.
In 1964 the first Cazenovia Baptist Church and the New Woodstock United Methodist Church became a yoked parish.
In 1979, the church became the New Woodstock Federated Church. In the ensuing decades afterward, the church body as a whole began to grow in their understanding of God's will for His church as revealed in the Scriptures.
In 2014, a council was formed that was devoted to examining the Scriptures to see what God's plan for His church entailed. This led to the decision to break away from the denominations to form an independent community church that would be governed by the Word of God as its ultimate authority.
In 2020, it became the New Woodstock Community Church, an independent church no longer linked to a specific denomination.
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