New Woodstock Community Church is happy to participate in instituting Christian marriages for believers in Jesus Christ. This is to be understood as quite different than the civil ceremony of a wedding that is found throughout society. The purpose of a Christian marriage is to glorify God together, and to reflect the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world through the marriage relationship. The couple should be an example of faith and obedience as they seek to follow God’s will together.
Following are the requirements set forth by the elders, for a wedding ceremony in the New Woodstock Community Church:
Members and Current New Woodstock Church Attendees:
1. Both the man and the woman must have a consistent testimony of living faith in Christ and true conversion.
(1 Corinthians 6:14-7:1)
2. Both the man and the woman must have lived consistent Christian lives of worship, growth, giving and outreach for at least one year before applying to wed at New Woodstock Community Church.
3. The couple must remain sexually abstinent and live separately until marriage.
4. The couple must participate in approved pre-marital counseling (typically three sessions).
5. Their union must conform to the biblical teaching on divorce and remarriage.
Members and Attendees of Another Church
A couple from another church wishing to use New Woodstock Community Church must meet all the requirements above, and accompany their application with references from their home church leadership regarding their Christian life.
Wedding Application and Process
1. Wedding applications should be submitted at least four months in advance to allow time for pre-marital counseling. Applications are available online - see below - or by leaving a message at the church office.
2. Couples must complete an application and attend pre-marital counseling before receiving the approval for a wedding ceremony at New Woodstock Community Church. (Completing pre-marital counseling does not guarantee the approval
for a wedding.) Approval of a wedding application may remain under consideration through the third session
of pre-marital counseling.
3. Ministers from another church may participate in wedding ceremonies upon approval by the elders.
4. Attendees of another church who wed at New Woodstock Community Church will pay a fee for the building use in addition to gratuities.
5. New Woodstock Community Church will not host nor officiate weddings in violation of the scriptural guidelines for marriage. (ie. a homosexual couple or the marriage of a practicing Christian to a non-Christian)
6. Exceptions to this policy may be considered by the elders.